small group photography lessons for teens

Get a group of your child’s friends together and book group photography classes this fall! Each session meets weekly for 4 weeks and has activities to complete before the next meeting. Activities are simple,  fun and can be completed no matter where you are!  Each session’s topics and activities are different so students can easily sign up for multiple sessions.

  • discounts available for siblings and multiple weeks
  • Middle School & High Schoolers
    • chose a time that works for you and your friends
    • daytime and after-school time slots available 
  • COST: $300/session per student (sibling discounts available) for 4 lessons
  • students need access to any kind of camera (iPhone, iPad, point-and-shoot, DSLR), a way to access Zoom and access to Google Drive to share images and session notes
    • If you’re using a DSLR we recommend having a basic understanding of the camera and/or booking a private one-on-one tutorial before the group sessions start
  • fun outdoor activities to accomplish between online Zoom classes
  • contact the studio for more information

private zoom or in-person photography classes for children

  • single classes and series available for children as young as 8 years old
  • project-based learning with fun “homework” to do between classes
  • $80 for 60 minutes session, $300 for series of 4
  • contact the studio for more information

private zoom or in-person photography classes for adults

  • learn how to better use your DSLR
  • learn better shooting and editing techniques for iPhone images
  • learn techniques for organization, editing and printing of digital images
  • single classes and series available
  • $80 for 60 minute session, $300 for series of 4
  • contact the studio for more information

2024 summer photography camp for teens

  • 5-class series series available for middle and high schoolers
    • weekly camps starting in June 2023
  • project-based learning with fun “activities” to do between classes
  • $300 for series of 5
  • contact the studio for more information